
Archive for January, 2008


Got this pic somewhere stashed in my old collection.
I don’t even know why it is here in my blog..
Anyway, sepertinya gw perlu beli sandal jepit nih.. Hmm.. Dimana yang murah meriah, keren kayak gini ya?

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There are mixed feeling in the air. Some people mourn, some people are still angry, some people don’t care about Soeharto’s death. It is a bit tragic, imo, Indonesia’s longest running president died without a unanimous respect by the country. His late wife, Ibu Tien, was having a far more greater respect by the whole country when she died years ago.

Let’s gather some facts here:

Good stuff
He has developed our country, the economy was stable, and oil price was subsidized. Many people could enjoy a peaceful atmosphere, army could be dropped in any riots quickly. Not many groups are dare to create demos, therefore traffic was better.

Bad stuff
There was some blurriness in the history. Supersemar is one of it. Supergareng is another. Superpetruk was not settled. The yuckiest unnecessary yet unexplained riot in Jakarta history, the May 1998 tragedy, is still left without answer.

There was also petrus, penembak misterius. If you talk bad things about the government and Soeharto’s regime (like what I am doing now), you would end up floating dead in one of the dirty river.

More bad stuff
He corrupts, the family corrupts, the whole circle of friends corrupt too. (Yes, this is only my claim observing from far far away planet) Peace was fake, more because of fear. No liberty at many areas: press and freedom of speech most affected.

Extra more bad stuff
I didn’t get any piece of the cake. Fyi, I think he is the richest man (family) on earth.
Who wouldn’t want to have money, right?

There could be more good and/or bad stuff that I missed. I write this in a flash, honestly just out of annoyance about the fact that he is going to be titled as a national hero.

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Me and celebrities

Heyyy hoooo… Hey yooo..

This is me and artis2 beken di Indo. Yang satu artis asli, yang satunya lagi artis ibukota wannabe. Both are pretty and looking elegant. Check it out. Sayang memang yang ambil foto agak grogi.. Mungkin pengaruh potongan gw yang pake batik bak pak camat, dan rambut belah pinggir. ^^!

Me and celebs

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A new place normally gives you a new atmosphere, right?

Thus, I expect to be so as well.
Hanya karena penyertaan Tuhan sajalah diriku ini bisa pindah ke kantor baru. Amin.

Silakan observe kantor baru sekilas.

Kantor baru
ps: for those who asked for traktiran.. saya cuma naik level, kantor baru, gaji lama (naik dikkkittttt doang).. hehehe..

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Dokter juga manusia..

Temen saya punya sakit kepala yang emang rada aneh. Dia bilang udah berlangsung lama.. cuma kaga ketauan apa penyebabnya. Udah dicoba cek, kok ga ada apa2. Dokter sih bilangnya stress.

Tp temen saya ini bukan sembarang orang biasa. Dia kalo lagi mau tau tentang sesuatu, dia bisa tanya2 ampe detail. Apalagi ini urusan badannya dia sendiri. Pergilah dia ke beberapa dokter.

Ada satu dokter yang bikin dia ke-q alias bete. Dia disuruh tunggu sampe tengah malem. Ya.. dokter juga manusia.. mau duit banyak. Jadilah dokter menggarap pasien sebanyak2nya.

Ini percakapan saya dengan si buncis:

Francis D says:
gw mao curhat ne. kmaren gw abis keqi lagi ama dokter
® Rich says:
knpe bro?

Francis D says:
kunjungan pertama : dokter bilang g stress, dia bukain resep, terus bilang suruh gw olahraga yg banyak, jangan stress kerjaan
kunjugan kedua : gw balik dan bilang obat yg dia kasih ease my pain ga ampe 50%, terus after obat abis gw puyeng parah lagi seperti biasa.
terus lo tau ga dia bilangnya : kamu masih muda gitu stress apaan sih? ampe bisa sakit pala gitu.

Dateng kedua kali, jelas bukan itu jawaban yg gw harapkan

gw bales aja : gw ga yakin gw pusing karena gw stress (masa gw goblog banget ga bisa bedain pusing stress ama pusing yg bukan ga stress)

® Rich says:
® Rich says:

Francis D says:
dok, mungkin ga hasil kolesterol saya yg bikin gw pusing

Francis D says:
lo tau ga chad
Francis D says:
dia langsung kayanya bete gitu
Francis D says:
padahal gw nanya bae2

dia bilang : Omong kosong itu yg kata orang2 kalo kolesterol tinggi itu bisa sakit pala, leher belakang ketarik bla bla
1 juta pun (dia ngomong satu juta udeh sarcastic), ga ada ngaruhnya di sakit kepala gitu

Francis D says:
gw kesel banget

Rich says:

Francis D says:
dalam hati gw bilang, despite of the mistaken information i’ve got from my friends
<anggap aja lah memang dia yg bener>
gw kan nanya bae2

® Rich says:
oke.. lalu respon elo?

Francis D says:
justru tugas lo dokter yg kasih gw penjelasan dengan cara baik
gw udeh bete
terus dia bilang
kalo soal IT gw kalah deh berdebat ama loe
tapi kalo soal penyakit,kamu percaya aja ama dokter
dia bukain gw resep dan bilang gw ke psikiater

Francis D says:
katanya gw masih muda, kualitas hidup gw bisa menurun kalo gw stress doang
waktu dengerin dia ngoceh kaya gitu jujur gw udeh ga respect

® Rich says:
udah kayak roy suryo ya

(diagnosa tanpa panjang lebar, langsung kesimpulan.. 68%)

Francis D says:
padahal gw bukannya menghina dia
masa gw dateng cuma diam2 aja ga boleh nanya kaya orang goblog

lo gile aja, beli baju di pasar pagi aja orang nawar ampe kaya Arab gitu (itu barang ga berhubungan dengan nyawa)

lo gw bayar ga pake nawar masih kaya gitu

Francis D says:
dokter di Pejagalan, namanya: SENSOR
Francis D says:
Diploma Yugoslavia dan Japan
at least itulah yg ia pajang di ruang tunggu
® Rich says:
bro, elo kudu nonton film House MD
® Rich says:
cocok dah

(fyi, dr. House juga dokter kaco.. bagus tuh film)

Francis D says:
gw masih lebih terima kalo kaya gini skenarionya :
at least dia suruh gw City Scan pala dulu
setelah check up thoroughly
dan ternyata ga ada apa2
ceng li kalo dia assume gw stress

waduh chad lo ga liat ekspresi muke dia waktu ngomong

Francis D says:
OMONG KOSONG itu yg orang2 pada bilang kalo kolesterol tinggi bisa bikin sakit pala bla bla (lo baca msg gw yg sebelumnya dah)

® Rich says:
santai bro, jangan main hakim sendiri kayak orang kampung bro.

Francis D says:

® Rich says:
gw yaakin dokter juga manusia

® Rich says:
btw, kurangilah makanan berkholesterol
(padahal gw sendiri penggila makanan bercholesterol)

® Rich says:
mo gw blog ga ttg si dokter?

Francis D says:
boleh lah, but dont mention name
dia juga manusia, lagi cape kali
<sial….emangnya gw juga ga cape>
dokter cape dapet duit
gw cape keluar duit

Francis D says:
ini susahnya ini kalo pasien ga dibatesin
® Rich says:
Francis D says:
pada bawaannya maruk
Francis D says:
dia malah yg curhat ama g:
kamu tau kaya dokter seperti saya, kita juga gampang stress
saya masih harus melayani pasien ampe jam 1

Francis D says:
<dalam hati gw pikir, jih itu mah berarti lo stress karena mao nyari duit, itu mah lumrah coy>
<kecuali gw bayar lo gaji bulanan fix 5 jt, terus gw paksa ampe jam 1 pagi kerja>

lagian sapa juga yg suruh loe nyari duitnya ampe kaya gitu.

Francis D says:
masih mending kalo sok jago, terus pala g sembuh
Francis D says:
tapi dia udeh gw ampunin sih, soalnya maren gw dapet banyak info yg berharga dari temen2 gw soal kolesterol
Francis D says:
Francis D says:
forgive me and forgive him Lord

® Rich says:
Iya deh.. semoga cepet sembuh, dan dokternya tobat.

Kesian juga ya temen gw. Wong sakit pala, disangka gila, disuruh ke psikiatris. Cckck..

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If human can be satisfied by material in this world, I dont think that person is a human anymore. Jadi pohon cabe ato kembang tulip.

Mana ada manusia pernah puas. Especially being satisfied because of money and some goodies. This world is so influence by hedonism and materialism that if you could be satistfied by something, at the most it will last is seconds if not milisecond. We want more.. more .. and ever more.

The moment I knew about this Macbook Air.. Wuihhh.. my saliva could not stop drooling. Padahal, dulu pas beli macbook putih, which I am using to type this post now, uda janji.. ‘This is the best laptop ever, I wouldnt want anymore laptop. Not for at least 2-3 years.’ Baru jalan 1 taun, muncullah macbook air. Gile… muantab banget lagi.

Here, I’ll show you some pictures, courtesy of http://apple.com.


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Making a movie

I have tried to make a movie before, and it was a very interesting experience. I came to my mind to make another one this year. Can anyone help with the idea? Let’s share. Or if anyone wants to help. Silakan acungkan tangan di depan komputer anda, lalu reply post ini..

Mungkin ada yang mo jadi pemeran pembantu, supir, kenek. Hehehe.. Yang pasti perlu orang2 yang camera friendly tapi ga norak. Jangan kayak yang baru masuk tipi.

Ato ada yang ngerti cara megang camera yang baik dan bener. Kalo bikin film blair witch project sih gampang ya.. Semua orang yang baru pegang camera pasti bisa.

Yang pasti, semua tidak dibayar alias sukarela. Y aiyalaah.. saya bayar pake apa.. wong saya makan aja masih sering minta emak di rumah, ato nebeng di rumah pacar dimasakin nasi goreng ato ayam goreng. (cuma dua itu yang udah gape.. jadi menu nya alternatif)

Tapi.. Kalo ke kumpul 10 orang, anda dapet gratis panci.. Loh? heuihei..

Hm.. marketing lewat blog gini bisa berhasil ga ya? Let’s see..
Oh iya..  iming2nya, kalo filmnya bisa kejual (ada orang ajaib yang mo beli), kita hasilnya bagi rata.. Asik ga tuh? *mulai aja belum, dah mo dapet hasil.. heuiheiuhe

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New job.. Help me..

Hi all..

After several days I haven’t got a new post, I come back with a new development. Today I am appointed to manage a new department. This new department will mainly focus on giving training, seminar, and workshop to corporate.

It is a challenging (and scary) new task for me. But I shall manage this with the help of my beloved friends and the guidance of God.

Nonetheless, to start, could anyone help me with ideas or topics that you think is needed by you and your company. I want to have a small survey in this post. Start commenting with your ideas… poooliiiiicccceeee…. (read: pretty please…)

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This is a new movie, very much expected and waited by many moviegoers in early 2008. In fact, it is suppose to be launched by 18 Jan 08. It’ll reach Jakarta maybe several weeks after. Doh! The pirated copy of dvd may arrive quicker than the screen.

The movie is about some monster attacking New York. You can see the trailer yourself in http://www.cloverfieldmovie.com.

Expect some thriller, blood scenes as well as shaky camera movement like in blair witch project.

Can’t wait to see whether this movie can live up to its hype.

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Oil Price > USD100

Yesterday, the oil price touched USD 102 per barrel. Mengerikan!!
Inflation sepertinya tidak surut, demand tetap tinggi, harga akan semakin meninggi. Tapi itu bukan penyebab oil price naik, percaya apa engga.

Jadeeeh..apakah penyebabnya? This is my theory:

1. Perang dimana-mana, khususnya di daerah penghasil minyak. Menyebabkan harga minyak tidak stabil, bahkan naik terus. Ironisnya, mereka perang hanya untuk.. MINYAK (dan emas, dan uang, dan kekayaan lain sih). Hukum ekonomi dasar berlaku di sini, supply minyak susah (karena perang), demand tetap-meningkat, harga… NAIK!

2. Kerjasama para penghasil minyak untuk men”cicil” produksi minyak mereka. Dan tampaknya mereka berhasil bekerjasama, baik secara kesepakatan atau tidak. Ngapain produksi banyak2.. supply dikit, kan harga naik. Nantinya mereka juga yang untung kan.. Dasar produsen minyak. Mereka bilang…”kalo bisa jual USD 200 per barrel.. lebih bagus lagi..”

3. Tidak adanya alternatif buat sumber energi yang satu ini. Dari dulu, sejak saya SD udah diperkirakan, minyak akan abis. Ga akan cukup 50 tahun. Kalo itu perkiraan bener, berarti persediaan minyak tinggal 40an taun. (Iya, baru sepuluhan taun sejak saya SD, I am not that old) Ada minyak jarak, minyak dari kacang, jagung, CPO, tapi semua itu masih andai2 dan produksinya masih dipakai untuk kebutuhan lain, seperti perut.

4. Negara berkembang yang semakin maju. Hal ini menyebabkan kebutuhan akan energi yang meningkat. 30 tahun lalu, China tidak membutuhkan minyak sebanyak sekarang. Bahkan Indo yang aslinya net exportir minyak, jadi net importir minyak. Padahal minyak di Indo adalah salah satu yang paling bagus kualitasnya di dunia. Maklum negara kita di daerah tropis. Sekarang aja, orang2 banyak yang mukanya minyakan. Betul ga? Jaman dulu, dinosaurusnya pasti kulitnya minyakan semua. Dan kertas minyak belum diciptakan – pastinyaaaa, so hasilnya mereka menumpuk minyak dalam tubuh dan berubah menjadi minyak qualitas TOP BGT di dunia sekarang.

Kalo diteliti dan dipilah2, sebenernya penyebab harga minyak naik sedikit banyak dipengaruhi karena keserakahan oknum2 yang ingin punya harta banyak.  That drives all the prices up.

Let me close by quoting liberally from the bible:
“LOVE of money (and oil and gold and diamond) is the root of evil”

PS: If things go the way they are now.. It is not surprising the oil will touch USD 120 in mid 2008.

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The year of rat

Let me quote this first from a website that should remain unnamed.

“A very good year for the Sheep. Gifts and gains from unlikely sources such as gambling, lottery, etc. Business opportunities indicated. Home life may be placid but romance and social successes foreseen. No illness or sizable problems.”

Raise your hand if you think horoscope is true and influential.
I, myself, dont really believe it although enjoy reading those funny predictions.

Supposedly this rat year is a good one for me, but it seems that my first day at work proved it wrong. Today is not a good day for me. I woke up late with rains on my doorstep. Things go wrong with my mobile phone, couldnt receive any sms. The internet at the office was very bad. I couldnt find my pc, it was being fixed. Only near noon that I could have my pc, and use the computer. (Lucky, I have my ever faithful macbook)

Adding to the misery, those darn rats came back to my drawers, eating the medicine I put there. I wonder, do they need medicine like human?  I hope they didnt die somewhere near the room which could create smelly odor.

In addition, I am faced with 6 hour of teaching, today. All of which are not prepared since my Internet connection at home was restricted, I couldn’t check any mails.

I wonder how this year of rat, according to the horoscope, may bring good fortune to me. So far.. things are ranging from bad – normal.

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